I’m back! After months with the web totally inactive, I finally decided to return it back to life. There were several reasons: work, study, my work on other websites and, why deny it, laziness. The little remaining free time I had after the activities mentioned, I preferred to spend it on my other interests, mainly reading, watching movies and playing video games. On the other hand, and preparing for the modules I’ll study at Uni next year, I got an interest in OOP (object-oriented programming), and so started to take my first steps in designing apps for iOS devices.
Returning to the web, and regarding the change in design, the old one never convinced me; too much paraphernalia and too little support from the creator of the theme, which ended in tons of chaotic and faulty code. In order to relaunch the web as soon as possible, I finally decided for a simple yet elegant design which will be gradually improved.
This time, I hope to be back to stay!